Friday, July 13, 2007

Solutions For Premature Ejaculation

For all men having sex there must have been a time when he would not be able to control his ejaculation. In most situations premature ejaculation occurs in young men who are just having their first experience with sex where the  time it takes for ejaculation is between thirty seconds and three minutes!!!

As men get more experienced in sex they gain some amount of control over their orgasms but such control might not be enough to satisfy their partner. The issue of premature ejaculation is measured relatively, it is not about time it is about you being able to ejaculate when you want to and when it is desirable for your lover!

There are various remedies for premature ejaculation some include wearing a thicker condom, delay creams/sprays, cock rings, and even masturbating to the point where you are about to ejaculate then you relax (this is to enable your body get used to the feeling when you are about to ejaculate so you could be able to apply some other technique to control your ejaculation).

The best remedy for premature ejaculation based on my own experience (yea I used to suffer from premature ejaculation after all how many men on this planet can control their ejaculations without getting help), is by engaging in a good premature ejaculation exercise program. Such exercises enable you train yourself on how to control your ejaculations.

The only but is they take quite sometime for you to begin seeing results. If you are doing such exercise just focus on doing the exercises correctly. Two excellent premature exercise programs available on the Internet are:

The next best remedy for premature ejaculation is the use of premature ejaculation pills. The use of such pills increases the time it takes for you to ejaculate such pills are great when you have no time presently to do premature ejaculation exercise or you do not want to get anxious over seeing results from premature ejaculation exercise. There are quite a number of premature ejaculation pills available on the Internet but the only product I have tried that gives me astonishing results is Climinax.

Well what are you waiting for ! Do you want your lover to dump you for a better lover? Go visit the following sites and become a stud in bed, your lover will love you more(no pun intended)!!!

Quality Premature Ejaculation pill

Premature Ejaculation Exercise Programs

Male Sex Tips Program

So hey start enjoying a GREAT SEX LIFE!!!

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